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Ecological Footprint Ecological Footprint

Act together.
For more tomorrow.

Each of us leaves an ecological footprint. Together we can keep it as small as possible: for our environment and the quality of life of all people today and in the future.

Living sustainably means using resources sparingly. Small, everyday decisions help to keep our personal ecological trace as small as possible. Together, something big arises: Every single small step takes us one step further on the way to a new, mindful approach to our environment and our fellow human beings.

Together we did great things.

Since August 2010 we have saved, conserved and protected these resources by growing organic cotton compared to conventional cultivation.

Save water
SINCE 2010
Through organic cultivation
7,159,152,000 liters
Saved water.
This corresponds to 47,727,680 bathtubs with a capacity of 150 liters each.
CO2 reduction
SINCE 2010
CO 2 emissions
3,067,680 KG
That corresponds to 1,534 flights from Frankfurt to New York - and back.
Healthy earth
SINCE 2010
147,840,000 m 2
Leaving healthy earth behind.
That corresponds to 20,706 soccer fields.

Thanks for your contribution for more tomorrow! We have already achieved a lot together. Let's move on.

Our little everyday tips show which steps can help us reach our goal faster. For a more future.

Mindfulness instead of doing without: Rely on these simple tips with a big effect: This is how you shop responsibly, use your favorite items in a resource-saving manner and thereby keep your ecological footprint small. For more conscious enjoyment of the beautiful things in life.

Tip 1

Shop wisely. For you and the environment.

A good quality of materials and workmanship extends the life of your new favorite item significantly. Rely on the quality of natural fibers that have been extracted and processed from an ecological point of view, if possible. You can get information online in the product description or in the store on the label of your desired item.

High quality natural fibers from organic farming ...

  • protect soils and water by avoiding pollutants.
  • avoid waste through a long service life.
  • offer pleasant wearing comfort.
Tip 2

Recognize certificates. For a better conscience.

Unfortunately, eco-labels are not subject to uniform standards. So pay attention to internationally recognized and independently certified seals such as the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) or the Green Button. So you can be sure of making an ecologically reliable choice.

A serious eco-label assures you ...

  • independently defined, transparent criteria.
  • a transparent award process.
  • a regular review of the label holders.
Tip 3

Textile label (s). For more good transparency.

Before buying any textile, read the information on the product label. A quick glance at the label gives you the great advantage of choosing the product that is as gentle as possible for people, animals and the environment during production, use and disposal.

You can find the information on the label under take from other ...

  • Which fibers the garment is made of.
  • In which country the product was manufactured.
  • Whether and in what quantity the fibers contained were obtained biologically
Tip 4

Natural detergents. For your skin and our water.

You can also rely on the power of nature when washing: In contrast to conventional petrochemically enriched detergents, natural variants place significantly less strain on the skin and water. In this way, you are doing yourself and the environment a big favor.

Did you know that the following natural formulas are suitable as detergents?

  • A mixture of curd soap, baking soda and essential oils washes white laundry clean.
  • You can use soap nuts several times in the washing machine.
  • Vinegar in the fabric softener compartment makes laundry soft and counteracts the build-up of limescale in your washing machine.
hessnatur detergents
Tip 5

Gentle care. For your clothes and the environment.

Natural materials have a high self-cleaning power. That is why ventilation is often sufficient as a freshness cure. If a wash is necessary, choose the coolest efficient wash temperature and air dry your laundry instead of the dryer. With these care routines you protect your clothes and also improve your ecological balance.

Did you know that ...

  • a 10 year old machine uses up to 171% more water than a new one?
  • a spin cycle with 1000 revolutions per minute saves energy, protects your clothes and prepares them perfectly for air drying?
  • normally soiled laundry at 30 to 40 ° C is gently cleaned?
Tip 6

Second Life. For more enjoyment of your favorite pieces.

Give clothes a second life: What you no longer like, someone else might like. High-quality pieces in particular have a long service life. If you still long for a change in fashion, there are numerous ways to pass on discarded items. This will help you avoid waste and resources and increase your budget.

Here you can find ways to pass on clothes in good condition:

  • Flea markets in your area.
  • Clothing swap sites online and in cultural institutions.
  • Internet platforms for second-hand fashion.
  • Or organize swap parties with friends.
Tip 7

Donate clothes. The right address makes the difference.

Clothing donations are an environmentally friendly and socially responsible alternative to disposing of textiles in household waste. Only what is still in good condition should end up in the clothing donation so that it can really help people in need. When donating, make sure that you only pass on your rejected textiles to reputable suppliers.

These seals identify charitable and reputable suppliers of clothing collections:

  • Fairevaluation is a non-profit association that operates according to socially and environmentally compatible standards.
  • The German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) only awards its seal to certified organizations.
  • The Federal Association for Secondary Raw Materials and Disposal (bsve) guarantees with its seal transparent, traceable and environmentally friendly recycling channels.
Tip 8

Change and repair. For more creativity.

A detail that has gone out of fashion, a loose seam, suddenly a few kilos more or less on the scales. Garments that have seen better days are still a long way from losing their value. Old techniques like darning and mending and newer creative ideas like patching and upcycling give your textiles a new shine and a personal touch.

Let yourself be inspired by a few ideas:

  • Flimsy spots can be creatively repaired with patches.
  • Holes in woolen materials are easy to plug by hand
  • Ex-favorite jeans can be turned into a shoulder bag, for example, with a little skill.
  • Old cotton fabrics are used in the home and garden .

Our credo:
Save, conserve and protect

We do this at hessnatur to keep our ecological footprint to a minimum.


  • Save energy.

    We use the most modern technologies for the machine production of our textiles and thus reduce electricity consumption and the formation of greenhouse gases.

  • Conserve water.

    At hessnatur, we use water-saving and water-conserving processes in every production step in order to counteract shortages and contamination.

  • Protect floors.

    With ecological cultivation and grazing methods, we protect the soils stressed by Hessnatur and keep them fertile and productive for future generations.

  • Preserving biodiversity.

    We use ecological fertilizers and fight pests with their natural enemies in order to protect biodiversity and preserve existing ecosystems.

"The reconciliation of economic and ecological requirements of our modern society can only succeed through sustainable development."

Heinz Hess, 1996

Our favorite material:
environmentally friendly organic cotton.

less water consumption *
less CO 2 emissions *
40,000 m 2
less soil pollution *
* compared to conventional products (data refer to per ton of fiber)

Transparency and responsibility. For more solidarity with people and nature.

Soft, breathable and easy to care for: 100 percent of the raw materials in our cotton range come from controlled organic cultivation . In this way, we ensure that the soil is neither depleted nor polluted by chemicals and give cotton farmers a perspective of being able to use the land profitably tomorrow too.

In return, we receive fibers of the highest quality from nature, which can be processed into particularly durable textiles.


In our online shop you will find information on resource consumption on our cotton products. This way, you can keep an eye on your contribution with every purchase decision.